Concord, the exceptional rules. The rules for the agreement between subject and verb have some exceptions and the rules are listed below as Concord, the exceptional rules 1 If the subject is ‘ I ‘ in present tense , only the plural auxiliaries ‘ do’ and ‘ have ‘, are […]
FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Future perfect continuous tense is used to denote an action that is continuing ‘at present’ and will be continuing ‘until a point of time in future’. Let’s look at the idea that the following two sentences express. James is watching T.V. He will be watching it by 6 P.M. Here […]
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Future perfect tense is used to denote an action to be completed within a fixed time of future. Eg; They will have finished their work within 5.P.M. Here, what the example says is that, the action ‘finish’ is to be completed within 5 P.M. As 5 P.M. is at present […]
FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Future continuous tense is used to denote an action continuing at some time in future. As it is a continuous tense, the ‘ing’ form of the verb should be used, and also, the ‘be’ forms should be used as auxiliary verbs to show in which tense the ‘verb‘ is continuing. Here, the […]
SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Simple future tense is used to denote an action that is to be done at some time in future. The pattern of simple future tense is S + will/ shall + V + O Here, the auxiliary verbs ‘will’ and ‘shall’ ( the modal auxiliaries – see in the topic Auxiliary verbs/ […]
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE From the title, we can say that the ‘action’ here is in continuous form. So ‘ing’ form of the verb is used here. When ‘ing’ form is used, ‘Be’ forms should be there as auxiliary verbs, to show in which tense the verb is continuing. Here, from the title, we can […]
PAST PERFECT TENSE By the word ‘perfect’ in the title, we can understand that the ‘action’ being mentioned here is already completed and by the word ‘past’, we can conclude that the ‘completed action’ is happened in the past tense. So, when we make the pattern of past perfect tense, the form of ‘Have’, that […]
PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Past continuous tense is used to denote an action that was continuing in the past. Eg: John was reading an article. Martin and his wife were travelling to Kent. You were searching grammar in the site. As we studied Present continuous tense and its pattern, […]
SIMPLE PAST TENSE Simple past tense is used to denote an ‘action’ that happened ‘at a point of time’ in the past. Eg: Peter delivered a beautiful speech in a function yesterday. So, we have mentioned the usage of simple past tense and, seen an example. Now, as usual, we have to make the pattern […]
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE The present perfect continuous tense is used to denote a continuing action like present continuous tense. But there is a difference between them. If present continuous tense is normally used to show an action going on at the time of speaking, present perfect continuous tense is used to denote an action […]
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE First of all, let’s just analyse the title. Here, we know that the word in the title present means now. Then, what the word perfect means here…? Don’t worry, in tense, it means a completed verb, that is a completed action. So, we can say that ‘this completed verb […]
PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Normally, in continuous tenses, ‘ing’ form of the verbs, that is, the gerund form of the verbs are used to show continuity, and the auxiliaries that help them are the forms of ‘Be’ ( Be-forms), that is, ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’. Here, the title Present continuous tense says […]
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE or PRESENT INDEFINITE We have studied in the topic, ‘Sentences‘ that the general pattern of a sentence is ‘S + V + O’. In this pattern the Verb is supposed to be in any tense according to the time of the actions. That is , the auxiliaries that help the […]