Nouns are classified into different kinds.
- Proper Noun
Denoting the name of some particular persons, places or things.
Eg; Martin, Mary, Delhi, Beijing, Samsung, etc…
- Common Noun
Denoting a name common to every person, place or thing of the same class or kind.
Eg ; Boy, Girl, School, College, Television, etc….
- Collective Noun
Denoting the name of a collection or group of persons, places or things taken together.
Eg: Team, bunch, volley, crowd, mob , etc…
- Concrete Noun
Nouns that can be touched and seen.
Eg: Pen, bottle, jar, car, etc…
- Abstract Noun
Nouns that can only be felt but can neither be touched nor be seen. That is, the name of a quality, action, or state.
Eg: Pain, distress, happiness, goodness, boyhood, wisdom, etc….
- Countable Noun
Denoting the name of persons, things, places ,etc..that we can count.
Eg: Orange, apple, book, table, boy, girl, etc…
- Uncountable Noun
Denoting the name of things that we cannot count .
Eg: Wisdom, salt, water, kindness, etc….