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How to use Personal Pronouns in a sentence?

Five types of personal pronouns are there as follows :-

  1. Subject form  ( I, We, You, He, She, it, They
  • Used before Auxiliary Verbs / Finite Verbs in

the beginning of a sentence.

             Eg :    ……….. are questioned by the police.

( his, him, they, them)

  • Used after ‘than’ in a sentence.

            Eg :  My friend is better than ………….

                     ( me, him, her, he )

  • Object form (me, us, you, him, her, it, them )
  1. Used after verbs.

              Eg :  They called ………..  ( I, she, me, his )

  • Used after prepositions.

Eg : He sent the letter to ……… (she, his, her, their )

  • Possessive Adjective form (my, our, your, their, its )
  1. Used before nouns.

Eg :  ……….. father presented me a gift  (he, him, my, them )

  • Used before Gerunds ( V + ing )

Eg :  They did not notice …….. staying there

        (I, me, mine, my)

  • Possessive Pronoun forms (mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs)
  1. Used before Auxiliary Verbs or Finite Verbs

in the beginning of a sentence.

             Eg:  …….. is a good pen (he, him, mine, you)

  • Used after than.

Eg:  His car is costlier than ……….. (my, our, your, ours)

  • Used after prepositions – especially ‘of’

Eg :  I have met a friend of …….. yesterday

       (my, our, your, ours)

  • Reflexive / Emphatic Pronouns

(myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself

  themselves, itself)

  1. Used after the subject of a sentence.

Eg: He …….. finished the whole work (him, his, himself, herself)

                    All of you ……… should do the homework

                   ( yourself, himself, they, yourselves, she )

  • Used after a verb or object of a sentence.

Eg: They blamed ……… (himself, herself, themselves, themselves )

       Love ……… first ( they, my, yourself )

       He cooked the pizza …………. (herself, they, himself, yourself )

Exceptional rule.

If a blank comes in between a preposition and a gerund, then

Possessive adjective form of pronouns should be used.

Eg: She was pleased with …….. staying at her home.

      (hers, them, him, our)

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