In exclamatory sentences As we know, exclamatory sentences are used to denote strong feelings, and also they have two different patterns, such as, 1 What + (a + adjective + noun/ pronoun) + V + S + O ! (exclamation mark) eg: What a lovely man is your husband ! Before reporting, change the […]
Reported speech in interrogative sentences Interrogative sentences are in two types, that is, 1 Question word beginning interrogative sentences Pattern– QW. + Aux + S + V + O ? Eg: When did he give you the book ? 2 Auxiliary beginning interrogative sentences or ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions Pattern – Aux + S + […]
Exceptional rules. Rule 1 When the direct speech expresses a ‘wish’, it is to be reported differently from a normal imperative sentence, as explained below; Let’s look the following sentences expressing wishes, May God bless you May the new year materialize your dreams May the coming spring bring you wonderful days Here we can see […]
Reported speech in imperative sentence. As we know, imperative sentence is used to denote a ‘wish’, ‘warning’, ‘advice’, ‘order’, ‘command’, ‘suggestion’, ‘request’, etc. Before reporting an imperative sentence, the reporting verb in the question is to be changed, according to the sense that the sentence expresses and also in accordance with the tense form […]