My English Tutor
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Sentence, structure, predicate and complement
Types of sentences
Framing of questions
Noun clauses, Adjective clauses and Adverb clauses
Sentence combination
As soon as
No sooner ………. than
Scarcely……when or hardly…….when
In spite of or Despite
Verbs — finites and non-finites
Verbs, the real sense makers
Auxiliary verbs
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Future Tense
Future Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous tense
Active & Passive voices
Voices in different types of sentences
Voices of assertive sentences in present tense
Voices of assertive sentences in past tense
Voices of assertive sentences in future tense
Voices of Interrogative sentences in Present tense
Voices of Interrogative sentences in past tense
Voices of Interrogative Sentences in future tense
Voices in Imperative sentences
Voices in Complex sentences
Puzzles in Voices
Reported speech
Reported speech
The most probable changes in Reported speech
Changes of tenses , modals and be-forms in Reported speech
Exceptional rules in imperative sentences
Rules for changing persons
changes in first person pronouns
Changes in second person
Change in Words
Reported speech in assertive sentences
Reported speech in imperative sentences
Reporting statement and Reported statement
Reported speech in interrogative sentences
Reported speech in exclamatory sentences
Question tags
How to make tags ?
Weak form of ‘not’ with auxiliaries in Question tag.
Pronoun of the subjects in question tags
Indefinite subjects and their pronouns in question tags
Question tags in imperative sentences
Question tags in complex sentences
Conversion of degrees of adjectives in sentences
Confusing adjectives
Parts of speech
Noun in its different kinds
Noun in genders
Nouns in numbers
Noun and its different cases
Tenses – Exercise 1
Classification of sentences – Exercise 1
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Usage of correct collective nouns
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If clause and its different types
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