A word used before a noun or a pronoun to denote how the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else is known as a preposition. The word preposition means ‘ place before’ Eg: at, by, for, from, in, of, off, on, out, through, till, to, up, with, by, over, under, into etc…. Prepositions have three major roles as illustrated below, # They join a noun to another noun. Eg: He placed the book on the table # They join a noun to an adjective. Eg: They built the palace in a deserted place. # They join a noun to a verb. Eg: She saved an amount to buy a table. Before a detailed study, let’s be familiar with the four types of…
Framing of questions
Before studying to frame questions, we have to learn all the most relevant question words and their purposes and also understand more about the types and patterns of interrogative sentences
If clause and its different types
If clause are in four types. They are ; 1. If clause in zero condition. 2. If clause in simple present tense. 3. If clause in simple past tense. 4. If clause in past perfect tense.