Voices of Interrogative Sentences in future tense


Simple future tense

Question Word beginning

Active Voice:  QW. + will/shall + S + V + O?

Eg: When will Teena call us?

Passive Voice :  QW. + will/ shall + O  + be  + V3 + by + S?

Eg: When shall we be called by Teena ?

Auxiliary beginning

Active Voice :   Will/shall + S  + V + O ?

Eg:  Shall we meet them today ?

Passive Voice:  will/shall  + O + be  +  V3 + by + S ?

Eg: Will they be met today by us ?

Future continuous tense

Question Word beginning

Active Voice:  QW. + will/shall + S + be + V+ing + O ?

Eg: When will he be writing the novel?

Passive Voice: QW. + will/shall +  O + be + being + V3 + by + S ?

Eg:  When will the novel be being written by him ?

Auxiliary beginning

Active Voice :  will/shall + S + be + V + ing + O ?

Eg:  Shall we be discussing the matters ?

Passive Voice:  will/shall + O + be + being + V3 + by + S ?

Eg: Will the matters  be being discussed by us?

Passive Voices of  ‘Future perfect’ and  ‘Future perfect continuous’  tenses are  not usually used.

Points to remember.

Interrogative sentences are grouped into  ‘Question word ( QW.) beginning’  and  ‘Auxiliary (Aux ) beginning’.   When the  ‘QW’ is avoided,   its  pattern   becomes  that of  ‘Auxiliary beginning Interrogative sentence’,  as we see  in the above   patterns   in different tenses.

Eg: Why  do you make it ?

When the question word  ‘why’ is avoided, the sentence becomes  ‘an auxiliary beginning interrogative sentence’  as,

Do you make it ?


The  question word  ‘Who’  stands  for  the  ‘subject’ of an interrogative sentence.   So the general pattern of the voices of the sentence are as shown below.

Active Voice:  Who + Aux+V + O ?

Eg:   Who wrote the letter ?

While being changed into Passive Voice,  the sentence starts with the question word  ‘ By whom’  as shown in the pattern below.

Passive Voice: By whom + Aux + O + V3 ?

Eg: By  whom was the letter written?

The question word   ‘What/ (Which + noun)’    stands for the  ‘object’ of an interrogative sentence. The general pattern of the  voices of the sentence are as shown below,

Active Voice: What/ (Which + noun) + Aux + S + V?

Eg:  What did he say ?

        Which shirt did Tom give ?

Passive Voice: What/ (Which + noun) + Aux + V3 + by + S ?

 Eg: What was said by him ?

        Which shirt was given by Tom ?

Now, let’s go to the   Practical Study    in the topic Voices in interrogative sentences.

Go to the topic  voices in imperative sentences, continue reading

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