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Noun in genders

1. Masculine Gender.

Noun denoting a male human being or animal or bird  etc. Eg: Boy, Lion, Pea cock, etc..

  1. Feminine Gender

Noun denoting a female human being or animal or bird etc…   Eg: Girl, Lioness, Pea hen, etc….

  1. Neuter Gender

Noun that is neither male nor female.  Or  Nouns without life.  

Eg: Table, board, Sun, beauty , etc…..

Neuter genders are often personified  and supposed to  Masculine gender  for their strength and violence  and to Feminine gender for  their beauty, gentleness and gracefulness.

Eg: The Sun  to Masculine gender for its strength.

The Moon to Feminine gender for its beauty.

Ways of changing  Masculine Gender Nouns into Feminine Gender Nouns.

There are three ways as  described below:-

  1. By using an entirely different word.

    Masculine Gender                 Feminine Gender































  1. By adding suffixes  like  ‘-ess’, ‘ –ine’,  ‘-trix’,  ‘-a’, etc… to the end of Masculine genders as follows,





















    Omitting the vowel ‘o’ , as follows,  









Omitting  the vowel ‘e’, as follows













( The commonest suffix used to make feminine nouns is   ‘–ess’)  







  1. By placing a word before or after; as