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Future Perfect Tense


Future perfect tense is used to denote an action to be completed within a fixed time of future.

Eg; They will have finished their work  within  5.P.M.

Here,  what the example says is that,  the action  ‘finish’ is to be completed  within 5 P.M.     As  5 P.M. is at present a time in future  and  the action ‘finish‘  is to be completed  within that time,   we can say that the  ‘action’  is in Future perfect tense.

We know that it is included in perfect tenses.   So the forms of  ‘Have’  should come as auxiliary verbs and   the past participle form of the verb (V3) should come after that.     But,  here,  as  ‘will’ and ‘shall’ is used as auxiliary  verbs to show  that the completed action happened in future tense,   and also,  only the root form of the verb is used after  ‘will’ and ‘shall’  as mentioned in the  simple future tense ,    we can  use only the root form  ‘Have’   after ‘will’ and ‘shall’. 

By keeping these facts in our mind and analysing the above  example,  let’s make the pattern of  ‘Future perfect tense’  as,

S + will/shall + have + V3 + O


Here also,  ‘will’  or  ‘shall’  is used on the basis of  ‘persons’ of the subject  and  the conditions in future tense, that is, ‘normal future’ and  ‘serious future’,  as mentioned in simple future tense


eg; I shall have come there by 2hrs.  (As ‘shall’ is used with first person ‘I’ ,  it is a normal future)

      S( I ) + shall + have + come ( ‘V3’ form of the verb ‘come’)

      They shall  have completed the construction within next year..

      S ( They) + shall + have + completed ( ‘V3′ form of the verb ‘complete’)

(As ‘shall’ is used with third person ‘They’, it is the future showing  ‘determination’,  ‘obligation’, ‘surety’,  ‘strong offer’,  ‘truth’  etc….)